Maria Kara
Duke of Edinburgh has been the perfect combination of adventure, enthusiasm, challenges, life-lessons and having fun. It provided me with the opportunity to actively explore new places and, in the process, grow as an individual. It was a challenge that I gladly took and learnt a lot from.
At the beginning, all students, including myself, sign up for DOE for the memories that will be created with friends, the places that will be visited and the question of whether or not we will be able to successfully complete the award. What we do not take into account is that through the process, we also learn valuable skills that we have incorporated into our lives. One of these skills include leadership; which was achieved through being a team leader and guiding my team by correctly interpreting maps, fairly dividing work between us, organising the team and making sure we were on time with each task. This has taught me to be mature enough to be trusted with responsibilities. Another valuable skill that I gained from DOE is teamwork and the ability for the team members to support each other.
DOE is the reason why many of my favourite memories exist and the reason why some friendships were either strengthened of created from scratch. Having now completed the Gold level I turn back and realise how much this award has gifted me and the extend of the impact it had on my personality growth. It was a challenge and it has now become a prized memory. I recommend this experience to everyone who is willing to experience something unique and gain a lot from it.
Finally, a big thank you to our Award Coordinator Ms Papadopoulou and our Leaders, together with our school, American Academy Larnaca alumni association, helped through the whole journey and dream.
Maria Kara
Duke of Edinburg International Award
Bronze-Silver-Gold Award achiever
American Academy Alumni Association Cyprus
At the beginning, all students, including myself, sign up for DOE for the memories that will be created with friends, the places that will be visited and the question of whether or not we will be able to successfully complete the award. What we do not take into account is that through the process, we also learn valuable skills that we have incorporated into our lives. One of these skills include leadership; which was achieved through being a team leader and guiding my team by correctly interpreting maps, fairly dividing work between us, organising the team and making sure we were on time with each task. This has taught me to be mature enough to be trusted with responsibilities. Another valuable skill that I gained from DOE is teamwork and the ability for the team members to support each other.
DOE is the reason why many of my favourite memories exist and the reason why some friendships were either strengthened of created from scratch. Having now completed the Gold level I turn back and realise how much this award has gifted me and the extend of the impact it had on my personality growth. It was a challenge and it has now become a prized memory. I recommend this experience to everyone who is willing to experience something unique and gain a lot from it.
Finally, a big thank you to our Award Coordinator Ms Papadopoulou and our Leaders, together with our school, American Academy Larnaca alumni association, helped through the whole journey and dream.
Maria Kara
Duke of Edinburg International Award
Bronze-Silver-Gold Award achiever
American Academy Alumni Association Cyprus