Rosabella Deakin

I was very luck to be offered the bronze award opportunity in year 10. I would definitely say the award challenged my concept of teamwork which up until that point I wasn’t overly thrilled about. I ended up in a group with 2 of my closest friends, my brother and 2 of his friends. As a group we may not have got along all of the time, but it changed my perspective on the concept of teamwork so much. It’s important that the group was one that would lift up those who needed it most, carry someone else’s bag between us because her back couldn’t take it during training, that we made a space to accommodate everyone’s struggles and worked together to form a plan that would be aimed to help all of us. That vulnerability allowed for a thriving working environment and has led me to some of my closest friends. I was intending to start my silver this year but unfortunately have not been able to, hopefully it’s something I can pick up again in the near future.