Elisabeth Harley

I started the award scheme when I was at school in the UK in 1965 because it sounded like a fun thing to do. I continued when I went to University in London before completing the Gold Award and being able to attend the award ceremony at Buckingham Palace. Apart from being able to learn some new skills, Brass Rubbing, Photography, Dressmaking and Culinary skills, I had many adventures Rock climbing, gliding, potholing and camping. However the greatest impact on my life which has stayed with me for the last 50 plus years is the joy of service to others, especially those with special needs. taking young Girl Guides with physical disabilities camping was a very special time which I can clearly remember to this day.
After I completed my training as a Radiographer and working for a few years in London I applied to VSO and was accepted, having a D of E Award on my resume was a definite plus and I would recommended any young person at the this time to consider this as a valuable asset.