Nour Ayman

I used to be one of the Award leaders, supervisors & assessors at Life Makers Foundation since 2015. From that time I managed many participants to get the Bronze level, I saw deeply how the Award has changed their lives completely, how they become more balanced, resilient, achievable and persisted to their goals.
As I believe in leadership and managing teens, I used to apply the Award principles on my self however, my age was 25 - can't be participant - when I knew the Award in 2015 but in order to be honest with my participants I applied the Award methods on myself.
As my participants have changed I do too. I became happier as I returned back to follow my passion through doing my skill, more achievable by doing my sports, etc.
In 2019, the Award team in Life Makers Foundation has launched a pilot, it was about delivering the Award in one of the poorest vulnerable cities in Upper Egypt "Minya". I had the opportunity to supervisor this pilot among other qualified leaders. It was hard to convince volunteers and their parents by the impact of the Award but by the end of the year there were nearly 50 holders from the Bronze level. Those holders are now leading more than 200 participants all over Egypt in Life Makers Foundation. They became leaders, assessors, etc.
The HRH British Ambassador in Egypt attended their graduation ceremony in February 2020, he saw how they're qualified to be potential leaders in the Egyptian society not only in the Award.
Hope to spread the Award all over Egypt very soon.